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Join date: Mar 12, 2018


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For most of my life I have been fortunate to live my dream of being a professional singer. I have performed professionally singing, dancing, and acting for the past 20 years all over the world. Because of my profession, health and fitness have always been a big part of my life, I just haven’t always gone about them in the healthiest ways. 

Going through many seasons of struggling with my weight, disordered eating, anorexia, over exercising, bulimia, pushing my body to the brink and definitely not being kind to myself, I am so happy to say I have found a place of balance and one of the main factors in finding that balance has been adopting a vegan diet and lifestyle. What began as an attempt to get over the weight gain and constant voices in my head telling me I would never be the perfect weight for this or that job, led me on a journey of researching and learning that has become a huge passion of mine.  I initially began trying lots of detoxes, and getting rid of meat and dairy and to my surprise, I felt way better!  I was sleeping well, weight effortlessly dropped, my eyes and skin became clear, and I just plain felt good about myself. I then began to research how toxic the basic products we use on a daily basis are to our health. Whether it be beauty products, personal care products, or things we use to clean the house, they all have toxic effects, that at the time not too many people were talking about. So I began to change those items as well. Then I began to comprehend the animal abuse that comes from factory farming, the leather industry, and the environmental impact of consuming a Standard American Diet and there was no turning back for me. Once you see the truth, it is extremely difficult to turn a blind eye and go back to life as usual. It didn’t all happen at once, and I definitely “backslid” on more than one occasion (dairy was very hard for me to eliminate) but it was a process that I wouldn’t trade for anything.  It made me hungry to learn about the body, what it needed, what caused it to thrive and what caused it to become diseased.  An entire new world opened up to me where things just connected and I learned how amazingly our bodies have truly been designed. So many today are dying and sick from preventable diseases of lifestyle, and the good news is they can be cured or reversed with what we choose to put into our systems and in our environments.

I am also proud to announce I a new mother to a healthy baby boy, had a complication free vegan pregnancy and peaceful home birth. Having our son is an even bigger motivation to live healthy and raise him in a plant based way.

Vegan Michele

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