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Join the Family

Hello and thank you for being here! It truly means so much to me 😃

Your ongoing support inspires and motivates me to continue pursuing creating videos, making recipes, and providing impactful health information to those seeking out the powerful holistic connection between nutrition and well being. True health is empowering, and I do my best to break it down in doable chunks for any and everyone, no matter where you are in life currently. 

Vegan Michele is a job that Kris (my husband and business partner) and I love to do! What started as a passion and hobby, is now something I would love to pursue full time with your help. 

Vegan Michele is all about helping you reclaim your freedom with a holistic approach to health and well being, while enjoying delicious whole food plant based cuisine that doesn't suck. Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve struggled with your weight your whole life, or you’ve used and abused unhealthy ways to look good on the outside, but have been miserable and so unhealthy on the inside. 

I'm a full time mom, and I work part time as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, but at the time of this writing I am truly at a crossroads. I could continue to devote my time and creativity to Vegan Michele, or I could go back into the conventional workforce. 

You may not realize that a single YouTube video can take 8 to 25 hours to produce from start to finish, yet the earrings are nowhere near enough to cover the cost of food, test and create delicious recipes, and produce high quality informative videos. This is where you can help me out - on Patreon.

Your donations will help us keep creating inspirational, educational, yummy videos, and offerings that will help you achieve your health goals. It is my desire to continue to share and create valuable health, weight loss, and lifestyle content. If you've been following me for a while and have considered supporting Vegan Michele, NOW would be an awesome time to help.

I don't just want to take your money, I want to offer you something that will add value to your life, so I've put together a few tiers of rewards. 

Another reason I wanted to have a Patreon page is because I'd love to connect and engage with my community on a more intimate level that isn't really feasible on Youtube or other forms of social media. I'm super excited to connect here, and talk with you! If you opt for the third tier that includes the monthly zoom call, (which will be up close and personal) we can talk about anything you'd like.

Ultimately, my goal is to earn enough to be able to do this full time so I can create even MORE content for you, for this is what I truly love doing. I will do my best to continue to keep creating content about a whole food plant based vegan lifestyle, and holistic health no matter what happens. 

I know we all have to be super mindful of where we spend our money, and I truly appreciate every single one of you. Thanks again for your support, words cannot express my gratitude. 



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